The media, in the true nature of the hysteria that is their core business, are proclaiming such things as "Terror suspect charged over 7/7 bombings," when in fact that's not quite the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
What has happened, however, is that Beeston resident Khalid Kaliq, 34, one of the four people rounded for questioning about the events of 7/7 almost two years after it happened has today been charged with, possessing "a document or record, namely the al-Qaida training manual, containing information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism" on July 17 2005, according to Scotland Yard.

Military Studies in the Jihad Against the TyrantsThe document is published widely in America, of all places, and in English, of all languages, and all 18 chapters are available online at The Smoking Gun and Cryptome for all to read. Free entry to HMG's Belmarsh and possibly even Guantanamo Gulag almost guaranteed.
The 180-page volume, seized from the Manchester, England home of a bin Laden disciple, offers jihad members guidance on subjects such as assassination, forging documents, and preparing poisons in its 18 chapters. The terrorism manual was placed into evidence last year by prosecutors during the federal trial of four men accused of involvement in the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (the below English translation was also placed in evidence). All four defendants were convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
Update: Khaliq's solicitor Nadeem Afzal denied the offence in court and Khaliq has been released on bail. District Judge Caroline Tubbs adjourned the case to July 2, just so a lot of fuss can be made in the run-up to the second anniversary of 7/7.
Great work Antagonist!:)
Did you know that the document in question is the same document that was central to the "ricin plot" case?
Do you know about the Duncan Campbell piece in the Guardian that was D-noticed?
You can read it here:
Thanks, antiaristo, and for the additional information.
I thought the reference on The Smoking Gun to, "The 180-page volume, seized from the Manchester, England home of a bin Laden disciple" would somehow be linked the ricin ring that never was.
Also, did you know the Queen's relatives grow ricin, opium, magic mushrooms, coca and cannabis in their own personal narcotics factories, just because they can?
Do these documents reveal the mechanism by which the 'london bombers' acheived their ends? Do they explain how to make tatp safe for handling and transport and why they should opt for the suicide option when attacking an unsecured target?
If not, how did it aid them?
It appears as though it's just an old rehash of the anarchists cookbook -
I have mentioned the language issue in several places now, but what really winds me up is that a document like this could never exist except in the minds of the CIA or MI5.
Great new look by the way!
Shahid: Glad you like the new look, it was a long time coming and, my, what a lot of screen space there is for antagonism! ;)
Rob Newman -- the better and far more talented half of the Newman Baddiel combo -- has for a good long time now been hosting a copy of the CIA Freedom Fighter's Manual:
The CIA Freedom Fighters' Manual
The Freedom Fighters' Manual was compiled by the CIA and given to the Contras as part of their not-so-covert support of the opponents of the revolutionary Sandinista government. Published to distribute among the civilian population of Nicaragua, this delightful 16 page cartoon book suggests how to destablise and overthrow your government using such revolutionary tactics as blocking up toilets with sponges, dropping typewriters and threatening your boss over the phone.
If you would like to learn how to bring about a regime change of your own, you can download the whole Freedom Fighters' Manual here as a zip file (1.24 MB).
Seeing as the CIA are the good guys and on the same side as our regime over here, having a copy should be regarded as entirely legal, legit and above board.
paul: Unlikely that these documents do any of the things you list and, if they did explain how to make TATP safe for handling outside of laboratory conditions and in quantities of over a gram, ready for transporting by Nissan Micra, cancelled Thameslink train and rucksacks "that'll do nicely", along with why anyone should opt for a suicide option when attacking an unsecured target, you can bet your bottom dollar they would be of great interest to government scientists, at least one of whom, namely Terry Jupp, has died in the process of trying to make "home-made fertiliser bombs used by Islamic terrorists".
Why didn't tony jupp have a word with richard colvin reid? This well travelled indigent has a rare talent for explosive chemistry, he managed to create a form that allowed him to walk around on it for a couple of days without blowing his legs off.
I'll be very suprised if khaliq doesn't have a dvd of 'back to the future' which could materially aid the bombers with their train time problems
ICURYYs4me (!)
Seriously, you're way ahead of me. Well done.
Now I shall peruse your archives some more. Thanks.
paul: Good old Richard Colvin Reid, the original shoe-icide bomber and airline terror plotter. Amazing that he could put this stuff together and that government scientists with the billions in tax money robbed from ordinary, decent, working class people still haven't come close to his level of finesse.
antiaristo: Thanks again, I hope you enjoy the archives.
I'm unsure what all the anagrams, if indeed they are anagrams, all mean. Care to expand?
Amazing that he could put this stuff together
That's the thing about these muslimist types, crafty...very crafty indeed.
I believe that the anagrams in question may in fact be a form of text speak Your Honour and yield a comprehensible message if read phonetically
The "Terrorist Handbook" has also been referred to in the case currently ongoing at Belmarsh/Woolwich Crown Court, where 'six members of the (thought criminal Extraordinaire) Dhiren Barot's support team' are on trial.
Too wise you are,
Too wise you be,
I see you are too wise for me!
Stef: Well done, I was unlikely to have figured that out all by myself.
sinclair: Your knowledge of trials and connections never fails to overwhelm me. Thank you for the info.
If six member's of Dhiren Barot's 'team' are on trial at the moment, that suggests that, as with the Crevice 7/07 lot, Dhiren 'Thoughtcrime' Barot was part of a gang of seven? What is it with alleged terrists and the number seven?
antiaristo: Even given Stef's clue, I still wouldn't have figured it out! Thanks for enlightening me. :)
To think that this guy who read this realy really interesting book is allowed out to freely roam our streets fills me with fear and dread.
Now if they put him on a plane to say, Morocco. I am sure they would learn a lot more from him.
As my nanny used to say, "he must be bad man Teddy or the Policemen wouldn't have taken him away"
PS site looks good
Shutter said...
PS site looks good
Thanks, Shutter, praise indeed from the author of one of the precious few blogs left that's still worth reading.
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