For a full analysis of the simultaneous anti-terror rehearsal drill referred to in this post, the drill that was being conducted by Peter Power and Visor Consultants on 7/7 please see here.
"there could have been had [sic] a power surge which could have had quite catastrophic casualty levels.
We have always been aware of that on the Underground."
A quick recap of The Antagonist's theory of what happened on 7 July as espoused, and developed, on this blog; that the original 'power surge' report given by MetroNet to explain the disaster on the Underground is true, and that the exploding bus - which occurred some 60 or so minutes later - and that is being used to tie the whole notion of a co-ordinated terrorist attack on London, was lifted from the 1,000 man anti-terrorist rehearsal operation that Peter Power admitted to organising in a Radio 5 interview on the evening of the Underground incidents.

Power later issued a statement about the operation, changing his story somewhat from that given in the Radio 5 interview and in a not dissimilar way to that in which MetroNet changed their power surge story. Power's response, and The Antagonist's reply to Power's, apparently final, statement can be found here. He has since spoken, albeit briefly in public, about this rehearsal operation, most notably to an international security conference in Canada just days after 7/7.
If anyone was at that conference and would care to let the world know if anything of interest escaped Mr Power's lips during the 52-country security summit, feel free.
In the meantime, back to the bus that exploded 60 minutes after the incidents on the Underground...
Here are some pictures of the Number 30 bus that was diverted into Tavistock Square, home of Fortress GB, precisely the sort of organisation that might have commissioned a large anti-terrorist rehearsal operation that Peter Power's Visor Consultants conducted on the morning of July 7.
From the offside of the bus:

From the front, nearside of the bus:

And, finally, a slightly more detailed view of an aspect of the above photograph:

All of these photos contain further evidence that would appear to support The Antagonist's original notion that the exploded bus was not linked to what happened on the trains 90 minutes earlier but, instead, was the product of Power's anti-terrorist rehearsal operation organised for Central London that morning.
Why? Well, let's look at the evidence. Bear in mind that we have absolutely no comment from any of the many bus blast survivors visible in the photos - save for the bus driver for reasons explained here - and a handful of passers-by who offered statements like:
"I looked back and was hugely glad to see an amazing sight - many people just stood up on the upper deck.Then, right next to the exploded bus which clearly shows a top deck almost full of people who appear to be unharmed by a blast powerful enough to lift the roof clean off the bus - a curious enough fact in itself when you consider the force required to lift the roof off the bus - is a white van which appears to belong to a fleet of vans owned by a company called Kingstar, emblazoned with a nice gold star logo. Once more:
I could not believe that so many, so close were seemingly unhurt.
It was almost surreal to see the upper deck cut off at that low level and so many passengers were still alive."

The answer can be easily gleaned from the Kingstar web site which proclaims, "Kingstar, diamond drilling specialists, offer the UK construction and civil engineering industry high standards of workmanship and dependability across a wide range of building services."
Kingstar also undertake 'risk assessment' on behalf of their extensive list of clients which, ostensibly, is precisely the same thing as Peter Power's Visor Consultants, Fortress GB, and the British Transport Police, the latter two of which happen to be located in the immediate vicinity of Tavistock Square, the place to which the Number 30 bus was diverted shortly before it exploded.
Kingstar offer a number of other services, the most interesting of which, to the mind of The Antagonist, is that of "controlled demolition", more specifically:
"Demolition in areas where minimal disruption and minimal noise requirements are paramount."

And, as if by magic, a van belonging to Kingstar - the minimal disruption, minimal noise, controlled demolition company - just happened to be rolling past the Number 30 bus that had curiously been diverted off course that morning, and which then exploded in Tavistock Square outside the offices of Fortress GB and the British Transport Police on the day that Peter Power was organising a 1,000 man anti-terrorist rehearsal operation in Central London where, by Power's own admission, "One scenario in particular, was very similar to real time events."
Guess which 'scenario in particular' that was 'very similar to real time events' The Antagonist is backing?
Who would possibly be more interested in the outcomes and reactions of the emergency services to a 1,000 man security rehearsal of say, for example, a bus bomb in London, than the British Transport Police and a rather large transport security company?
If the exploded Number 30 bus was indeed lifted from Peter Power's rehearsal operation as all the evidence from the day seems to suggest, quite what was it that happened on the trains?
Perhaps something along the lines of the original 'power surge' or some other significant electrical failure, perhaps multiple, simultaneous power surges? In fact, to quote a survivor, Andrew Lait, who was in the same carriage as the Aldgate East blast, and is one of only two people in the carriage to escape serious injury:
"Out of that whole carriage, I think Crystal and I were the only ones who were not seriously injured, and I think we were nearest the bomb."
"We'd been on there for a minute at most and then something happened. It was like a huge electricity surge which knocked us out and burst our eardrums. I can still hear that sound now".
The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag"Source: Aldgate Survivor, Andrew Lait [Cambridge News]
'Underneath the train' is precisely where you'll find the electrical motors that would have been affected by a power surge of sufficient strength to burst people's ear drums, the same motors that might have popped through the floorboards given a malfunction due to such an immense power surge. From ABC News' collection of photos:

Note also that train survivor accounts have included the description of a 'series of bangs', like a series of electrical motor failures, in relation to what occurred.
This also explains why the leaked ABC photos that caused so much consternation show the electrical parts of the train to be blown out and burnt out. The train lights, the lighting behind the advertising boards and all wiring areas for the train's communications infrastructure, all nicely offset by the immaculate blue paintwork.

You couldn't make this stuff up. Oh, wait.... somebody, somewhere, did...
From a Picadilly Line survivor account (links below):
"I was on the Piccadilly Line-the first after there was a fire alarm at Caledonian Road. Just after Kings X there was a "bang" coming from the front carriage-the light went out and emergency lighting came on-smoke came apparently from outside-There were no announcement-some people started panicking after a while and tried to smash the doors-but only to injure themselves- after about 30min 2 policemen opened the back door and let people out. I wonder why it took so long-the smoke settled down after a while and I assume it was only dust spelled around by the sudden tube break-we were only maybe 100m away from the platform. But when you're inside you don't realise that. I guess no one was seriously injured on that train-but I haven't seen what happened to the people at the front carriage- They should have passed information that there is no fire etc. the atmosphere in a packed tube carriage is already frightening enough."
Harald Schoenbrodt,
1. Harald's original submission to the BBC
2. An edited version which omits the fire alarm at Caledonian Road from Harald's report.
Remember it would take a good few minutes for the Piccadilly Line train to leave Caledonian Road, stop at Kings Cross, pick up and drop off passengers, and then proceed into the tunnel where the 'bang' occurred that caused smoke to apparently enter the train 'from outside'.
If it took 30 minutes for Harald to be reached after the incident - why, after 30 minutes, was it 2 policemen that turned up to free the trapped passengers and not the train driver, or other members of London Underground staff who, theoretically, should be at the scene quicker than any policeman?
"I was in the last carriage of the Circle Line train that had just left Paddington. The tube had just left when there was a sudden explosion and the square marked area in the centre of the tube exploded"
Sharan, Middlesex, London,
Survivor account, 7/7 Circle Line train.
'The square marked area in the centre of the tube exploded'.
Oh really? Anyone know what's under the square marked areas on Underground trains? Electro-mechanical stuff that goes bang in the event of a disastrous power surge, perhaps?
Or maybe a suicide bomber had hidden themselves under the square marked area designed into the train specifically to give suicide bombers a place from which to gain that competitive edge they so desperately crave?
Sharan, continues:
"There was black smoke everywhere and a very strong smell as if the wiring in the carriage was burning."
What a surprise. Just like if there was a massive power surge.
While you're digesting this information, take into account also that no survivor accounts, not even the ones from inside the blast carriages, mention any sort of blast force that would support there being any bombs on the tube at all.
A lot of the survivor accounts do, however, support very strongly the notions of power surges, electrical fires and complete light and communications infrastructure blackouts.
"I was on the Hammersmith line tube when it pulled into Edgware Rd. As the doors opened, there was a loud, muffled bang. I thought it was an electricity power box jumping. It seemed to come from the tunnel at the rear."
Raymund Macvicar, London
A 'muffled bang' which sounded like 'an electricity power box jumping' and that seemed to 'come from the tunnel at the rear', not the train that had just pulled in and opened its doors to passengers.
Why not an explosion that sounded like nothing else and that came from inside the train, the place we are told the 'bombs' were?
Perhaps there were no bombs on the Underground, a notion supported by the accounts of people that were on the trains at the time, and the explanations given by MetroNet to passengers and the media?
If so, that just leaves the requirement for a plausible explanation, based on tangible evidence, regarding why a diverted Number 30 bus might have exploded in Tavistock Square.,16132,1524452,00.html
That took 2 minutes on google. Bit selective aren't you?
One simple point:
The top picture (Aldgate?) shows the structure of the train floor is bent DOWNWARDS. An electrical explosion would bend the floor UPWARDS.
In particular see the large steel beam towards bottom right. A sizable bit of framework, maybe 160mm by 80mm. That is not an easy thing to dent, try it. And it has taken a very large force from close range to dent it like that.
Not an electrical surge, but a bomb. Comprende?
@ Tony-Superior
A blast strong enough to cause that damage to the Aldgate train but not powerful enough to destroy a credit card/driving licence? "Property in the name of a second was found at the scene of the Aldgate bomb and, in relation to a third man, property was found at the Aldgate and Edgware Road bombs. Finding their property suggests they were caught up in the blasts, officials said."
Strange how all the train blast images were released through ABC News and not the BBC.
Im no expert on the subject, but an explosion (of this size) does not "destroy" things (and people). It bends them, twists them, breaks them into many pieces and moves them.
Definition of an explosion: "A violent bursting as a result of internal pressure.".
I would assume anything fixed would be broken and moved from its fixings. Anything loose, for example, ID documents, people, luggage etc.. would be flung away from the blast, due to the force.
A bomb of this size does not vaporise anything within a specific radius as you seem to assume.
Look at the picture of the Aldgate blast, the evidence is there.
The floor is bent, but it still exists in some form or another. Therefore, the ID documents carried by the bombers would still exist; probably completely intact as they would be flung away from the epicentre of the blast in one direction.
A force acting in several directions is required to break an object.
Even if they were "destroyed" fragments would remain which could be reassembled.
I look forward to your response.
And the ABC images were leaked, they were never intended for the public.
The Independent's front page of 15th February was emblazoned with the words The Great Deception followed by The politics of fear (or how Tony Blair misled us over the war on terror) across pages 2 and 3, which featured an edited extract taken from The Use and Abuse of Terror - The Construction of a False Narrative on the Domestic Terror Threat [PDF].
The first three pages of the Independent were dedicated to the lying liars and their incessant lies in recent history, including fake terror ricin, fake terror in Manchester and the ongoing politicisation of terror on the basis of lies.
Three whole pages about the politics of fear, fake terror and lies, with only fleeting reference to the devastating events in London on July 7th and yet the largest photo in the article - the one taking up half of page three in an article about fake terror - is a full-colour photograph of the back of the number 30 bus that exploded in Tavistock Square on July 7th 2005.
Subtle indeed.
Then Peter Oborne's Channel 4 Dispatches programme, which the article was leading up to, consisted of little more than Peter Oborne's hour-long narrative about the spinning of Fake Terror, all set to inordinate amounts of footage of London buses for a documentary that, overtly at least, wasn't about London buses.
Explanations for this, or why a full colour photo of the Number 30 bus from July 7th was juxtaposed into an article solely about Fake Terror, are welcome.
A power surge would not cause a motor to catastrophically explode, the windings on the motor would just burn out, you'd probably hear a crack as the windings arced over, but in no way would they cause that sort of damage.
"You could have had a power surge with a quite catastrophic casualty level. We have always been aware of that on the Underground."
Ken Livingstone
7th July Review Comittee, March 1st, 2006
To what might Ken have been referring?
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